Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Viva TV show the Fly-tip
Los Verdes have now received a copy of the 4 minute transmission and for those of you that missed it you can see a repeat of the Viva TV Interview on YouTube. It was filmed at the fly-tip site and shows the extent of the volume and type of rubbish that has been dumped, and the damage to the environment.
A report, and a copy of all the footage of the Fly-tip taken by Viva TV to support the interview, is to be submitted by Los Verdes to the Seprona division of the Guardia Civil. This is the department responsible for investigating acts of destruction to the Environment.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Second Grand clean-up = 74 Bags of Litter
Two groups of volunteers, approximately 50 in total, showed that they care about the environment we live in by collecting 74 (100 litre) bags of litter. The clean-ups started at 10.00 am and lasted for approximately 1 hour.
The first location was at the eastern end of Calle Niagara, to continue the work of the first grand clean-up which tackled the western part of the road.
The second site was the barranca that runs from the underpass at the Cabo Roig roundabout on the N332 towards the playa Cala Capitan.
All the volunteers felt it was a worthwhile effort and the Los Verdes coordinators were asked when and where the next Grand Clean-up will be. This will be announced at the earliest opportunity once the choice of location has been made. There is still time for sites to be suggested. This can be by email to cleanupthecosta@gmail.com or by telephone to 965319660.
More Photographs are available for viewing HERE
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Local television helps the campaign.
On Wednesday 5th November 2008 (yesterday) I was invited again to take part in the Vega Life news programme on Canal Vega Television, an Orihuela based company, and given the opportunity to publicise the second Grand Clean-up that is happening on Wednesday 12th November at 10.00 am. The hour long programme is carried out in English.
Today (Thursday 6th November) VIVA TV recorded an interview about the campaign, for inclusion in the news programme due to be published on Friday 14th November at 6.15 pm. The location chosen for this (interview) was the massive Fly-tip site highlighted in the article 'Is this the largest Fly-tipping site in Orihuela Costa?' on this campaign Blog, and reported recently in the Local English Press (Round Town News and CoastRider).
These are two more opportunities to promote the work of the campaign, by bringing it to the attention of the viewers throughout the local and adjacent areas, including I’m sure Orihuela Town Council representatives or observers.
Hopefully this will add more pressure on the PP ruling party in the Ayuntamiento to honour it’s responsibilities towards tackling the major problems of fly-tipping sites and general litter left lying about in Orihuela Costa in particular, and in the Orihuela Municipality as a whole!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Second Grand Clean-up - Two Sites!
Following the fantastic result of the first Grand Clean-up, due to the tremendous response and work of the volunteers on the day, we are proposing to tackle two sites at the same time, one at each end of Orihuela Costa. We will need all the volunteers we can muster for this to be a success.
For the first location, we are looking to carry on the clean-up of Calle Niagara (site of the first clean-up) by tackling the eastern half of the road, from the dual carriage way of Calle Pintor Ribera towards the Playa Flamenca Commercial Centre. The meeting place is to be at the lower end of the road near the commercial centre.
The second location is to be in the Cabo Roig area. The aim is to remove the rubbish and litter from the barranca that runs from the roundabout on the N332 towards Playa Cala Capitan. The meeting place is to be near the ambulance station (formally the post office). If there are enough volunteers we would also like to clean-up some of the undeveloped waste ground sites between Calle Mar and the N332.
To save people travelling too far, we would suggest that those who live in the North of the area to meet in Calle Niagara, and those living in the South of the area to meet at Cabo Roig. The Ayuntamiento and the Saturday market at Playa Flamenca would seem to be a good dividing line.
Volunteers are reminded to bring gloves to protect their hands, refuse bags will be provided. If you have your campaign hats and badges don't forget to wear them so that other members of the public can see what's happening and hopefully will join in to help Clean up the Costa.
Volunteers can pledge their support or obtain more information by emailing cleanupthecosta@gmail.com or telephoning 965319660 (English) or 965328190 (Multilingual).
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Is this the largest Fly-tipping site in Orihuela Costa?

At the end of March 2008 when the Clean up the Costa campaign was launched pictures of this tip were included in the press release.

Since that date nothing appears to have been done to remove this blot on the landscape. At the time of the meeting Clr Aniorte stated that no Bye-law existed on the statutes of the Orihuela Municipality to enable the Council to force the owners of private land to clear the rubbish dumped on their property, or for the Council to act to clear it instead, or to prosecute the offenders carrying out the Fly-tipping. Taking a benevolent attitude to the lack of action it must be presumably the reason that there has been no action to clear the site in 7 months.

Well now that has all changed! At a full session of the Town Council the new Bye-law regulating the control, collection and management of urban waste within the Orihuela Municipality was unanimously approved. The Council no longer has any reason not to deal effectively with the Fly-tipping problems within Orihuela Costa. It has the powers needed to ensure the removal and cleaning up of any Fly-tip sites irrespective of whether they are on public or private land. Within the Bye-law are the powers to prosecute and fine those responsible for the illegal act of Fly-tipping up to the sum of 3000€.
The Council has the Power, let's see if it has the Will, to eliminate this menace to the environment.
Is this the largest Fly-tipping site in Orihuela Costa? If you know of a site that is bigger let us know. If you have a Fly-tip site near you lets us know. Send us, by email to cleanupthecosta@gmail.com , the location details, and some photos, and we will prepare an up-to-date list to present to the PP Councillor for the Coast and ask that the Council deal with these sites without delay.
Click on the photos above for enlarged copies.
More photos are available to view HERE
Monday, October 20, 2008
Calle Antillas is not the West Indies

The Residents on Calle Antillas in Las Filipinas East might have been forgiven in thinking that as the name of their road suggests they would be looking at beautiful scenery from their properties. How wrong could they be, it certainly isn't anything like the West Indies or the Philippines!
Today (20th October 2008) I visited the road at the request of a Resident to look at the two problems suffered by the householders. Not only do they have to put up with enormous quantities of Fly-tipped builders rubbish but also a rotting mountain of garden and other rubbish. Both types have been there for sometime and are continually being added to.

One could try to say that the garden rubbish is just part of the normal daily tipping by local residents, but no, there is far too much for that. There would appear to be a deliberate dumping of waste in this road, possibly by gardening companies with rubbish not from this area, and a failure by Colsur (the current refuse handling company employed by the Council) to remove it. The Council must deal with the Fly-tipped building rubbish direct as Colsur do not have to and therefore will not deal with this problem.
The situation that the Residents have to live with daily is totally unacceptable. The Council have failed in their responsibility to keep the street and green area in this locality of Orihuela Costa clean.
The information and photographs will be forwarded to Councillor Aniorte with a request for immediate action to clean up this road in the fight to Clean up the Costa. There cannot be any excuse for this rubbish to remain there any longer, as the Council now have the necessary Bye-law to deal with any rubbish on private land, an excuse given for non-action on their part in the past.

Click on the photographs for enlarged copies.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Second Grand Clean-up - 12th November
We have already been asked by many people when the next Grand Clean-up will take place. It is to be Wednesday the 12th November 2008 and will start at 10.00 am. The final choice of location is still to be decided and will be announced closer to the day.
Depending on the number of volunteers available on the day, perhaps we might be able to tackle two sites at the same time, one at each end of Orihuela Costa! If those persons who are going to attend could confirm this by email to cleanupthecosta@gmail.com or by telephone to 965319660 this will help us to assess if this (two locations) is possible.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
140 Bags of Rubbish from Calle Niagara

Today (16th October 2008) we had the first of the Grand Clean-ups in Orihuela Costa and what a fantastic response from the Residents of the Coast. These clean-ups are in addition to those carried out by local groups in their own area.
In excess of 70 people gave their time to help clean-up a large part of Calle Niagara with the result that approximately 140 bags of litter in total, were collected, from three locations in the road. The clean-up began at 10.00 am and lasted for about one hour. Some of the residents wanted to spend more time cleaning but the temperature was rising and it was felt that enough had been done at this time. Residents who live close to Calle Niagara are intending to carry on the work on future occasions.
The excellent result of this show of people power and community spirit is a very much cleaner C/ Niagara and shows the Council what can be done where there is a will.
Following a telephone call to the Ayuntamiento in Playa Flamenca, shortly after the completion of the Grand Clean-up, to request the collection of the 140 bags, it has been reported to the Los Verdes coordinators that the bags were removed within 2 to 3 hours.
Was this a sign of efficiency by the Council or a desire to clear away the evidence of their failure to keep Orihuela Costa clean!
The Los Verdes Working Group in Orihuela Costa give their sincere thanks to all who took part. The response from the Residents was greater than could have been hoped for. Details (location, time and date) of the second Grand Clean-up, in approximately 4 weeks, will be announce shortly.
I'll let the photographs tell the story better than I can.

Click on the photographs to see enlargements.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Campaign promoted on Canal Vega Baja TV.

In addition to discussing various news items the opportunity was given to outline details of the Clean up the Costa campaign with particular emphasis to the Grand Clean-up to be held at 10.00 am on Thursday 16th October 2008, in Calle Niagara, Orihuela Costa.
We are hoping that the television company will follow up on the publicity today with a visit on the morning of the event. The more publicity that the campaign gets, the more volunteers will help, with the result of a cleaner Orihuela Costa.
Earlier in the day Monserrate Guillén, Los Verdes councillor for the coast, held a press conference for the Spanish media to announce the Grand Clean-up.
Photograph: Left to Right; Ulla Perret, Natalie Sampford, Gérard Perret
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Signs for Extra Help

To help the registered volunteers after they have completed a 'People's Litter Pick-up' we are now able to provide signs (as shown in the photograph) that can be placed in the ground on the area that has been cleaned. There is an alternative option of signs that can be attached to fences or walls.
To receive the signs register with the campaign and tell us when and where the clean-up will be. These are in addition to the Free starter kits of hats, badges, stickers and initial supply of refuse bags. Those who have already completed and notified the campaign of their successful Litter Pick-up will receive the signs in the next few days.
To register your wish to help 'Clean up the Costa' with a People's 'Litter Pick-up', or to report the success of your 'Litter Pick-up', send an email to cleanupthecosta@gmail.com .
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Clean up the Costa at the Campoamor Market

On Thursday the 2nd October members of the Los Verdes Working Group in Orihuela Costa, who are coordinating the Clean up the Costa campaign, were present at the Market in Campoamor to promote the campaign in general and the Grand Litter Pick-up to be held in Calle Niagara at 10.00 am on Thursday 16th October 2008.
The interest and positive response from the public was very encouraging with several confirmed pledges of attendance at the clean-up in C/ Niagara, in addition to registrations for the campaign in general.
Several people took the opportunity to talk to representatives of Los Verdes of Orihuela about their concerns in respect of the management of the market. (See the Los Verdes in Orihuela Costa Blog for more information)
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Grand Litter Pick-up – Calle Niagara
On the 10th July 2008 on this Blog I posted an article on the litter on Calle Niagara and the failure of the council to have it cleared, despite it being reported to them. You can see from the photograph the litter is still there!
At 10.00 a.m. on Thursday the 16th October 2008 we are holding a Litter Pick-up of the location shown and others along the length of Calle Niagara. We are asking that as many volunteers as possible give approximately 15 minutes of their time to help clean up this area. The more help we have the greater the amount of litter we can clean. We can show the Council what changes people power can make to the cleanliness of Orihuela Costa.
Our aim is to clean as much of the part of the road marked green on the map as possible. The meeting point is shown. Remember to bring your gloves to protect your hands. We will bring the hats, badges, labels, and bags.
Please help to Clean up the Costa, by giving just 15 minutes of your time once a month to help on the Grand Clean-up! For further details or to pledge your help on the 16th October email cleanupthecosta@gmail.com or telephone 965319660.
Click on Map to see enlargement.
Calle Niagara is just 200 metres from the Saturday market in Playa Flamenca.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Lucky 13 Save half a day!

Josephine said “It was not as bad as it usually is but needless to say, it did need a clean and disinfect. 13 people turned up which turned a half day of cleaning into just 1 hour”

This excellent turnout showed that many hands make light work and the task was soon completed.
Josephine added; “It was brought to my attention that another area on Las Ramblas was in need of a clean so arrangements are now being made for next Sunday when, we hope, with the aid of our "flyers", we will get a good turn out.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
14 Bags of Litter in I hour.

Residents with Los Verdes campaign coordinators
Several residents from the Sol Beach and Vista Azul 2 communities in Cabo Roig held a 'People's Litter Pick-up' on Thursday 11th September starting at 10.00 am with the result that 14 bags of litter were collected in approximately 1 hour.
The event was organised by Bernadette Dunkley, Vice President of Sol Beach, following registering with the campaign and receiving a Free starter kit. Her colleagues on the clean up included Wendy, Rita, Barry, Sue, Amelia, and Patrick (apologies to any one I've missed).
The area they chose to tackle was the recreation area situated on Calle Ortosa, which includes football pitches and petanca courts. The transformation of the area following the clean up was tremendous, the football pitches did not look like rubbish bins any more and the surrounding space was clear of litter.
Bernadette commented that “We have planned our next session for Thursday next and hopefully by then we will have more helpers. It was a good satisfying morning.”
On a return visit to the site latter in the day, to take some photographs of the result of the clean up, I personally noticed people looking at the campaign stickers put on the bags of collected litter. A gentleman who noticed my campaign badge asked for more details about the scheme and commended the effort of the residents.
My apologies to the residents for a lack of photographs after the clean due to my clumsiness in dropping my camera on the morning and finding that sticky back plastic doesn't fix everything.