Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Viva TV show the Fly-tip

In my article on the 6th November entitled Local television helps the campaign. I mentioned the interview given to Viva TV and the proposed transmission during the Revista programme scheduled on a Friday evening. The showing of the interview was delayed until the 21st November 2008.

Los Verdes have now received a copy of the 4 minute transmission and for those of you that missed it you can see a repeat of the Viva TV Interview on YouTube. It was filmed at the fly-tip site and shows the extent of the volume and type of rubbish that has been dumped, and the damage to the environment.

A report, and a copy of all the footage of the Fly-tip taken by Viva TV to support the interview, is to be submitted by Los Verdes to the Seprona division of the Guardia Civil. This is the department responsible for investigating acts of destruction to the Environment.