Thursday, July 10, 2008

Three months on and Calle Niagara is still not Cleaned

At the meeting held on the 17th April 2008 between Los Verdes, represented by Councillor for the Coast, Monserrate Guillén, supported by members of the Orihuela Costa Working Group, and the Partido Popular Councillor for the Coast, José A Aniorte Grua, Calle Niagara was included in the list, supported with photographs, of the sites within Orihuela Costa that were subject to litter fly-tipping and required cleaning up by the Council.

On the 24th April 2008 Los verdes received an email from Javier Canovas, Asesor to Sr Aniorte, in which it was stated that Calle Niagara had been cleaned up.

As can be seen from the photographs, 12 weeks on, and the rubbish alongside the public pathway is still there in full view to the public; residents and visitors alike. Despite assurances given by the Council representatives nothing has been done to clear the rubbish at this location. It is not a case of the area being cleaned and then more rubbish being dumped, because it can be seen from three dated photographs that the appearance of the rubbish has not changed, just more added. This shows that 'Litter attracts Litter.

There cannot be any doubt that Council cleaning department vehicles must have been driven along this major access road at some time in the last three months and yet the rubbish has been ignored.

This highlights the need for the continual running of the Clean up the Costa campaign, possibly for the next 2 or 3 years, or until public attitude to the dumping of litter changes.

The Los Verdes Working Group in Orihuela Costa is at this time preparing the launch, at the beginning of September 2008, of the second part of the ongoing campaign. Further details will be published in the next few weeks.