Los Verdes are fully aware of, and concerned about, the problems that the unsocial behaviour of some dog owners causes by their failure to clean up the faeces of their dogs from public areas.
The Party has been working on this problem by putting pressure on the PP government in Orihuela to find a solution for some time. On the 15th November 2007 this matter was brought to the attention of the PP controlled Council by the issue of a ‘Question’ from Manuel Gallud Gilabert, one of the three Councillors of the Municipal Group of Los Verdes of Orihuela, for discussion at the Pleno (Council Meeting) held on the 27th November 2007. The matter of the control of dangerous dogs was also raised in the same question.
The Council was requested, amongst other items to take the following action in respect of ‘Dog Fouling’.
- That the lack of a Municipal Bye-Law relevant to the problem of the control of ‘‘Dog Fouling’ is rectified without delay.
- That the Council authorises urban areas in the city, in the rural areas, and in the coast, so that the owners of the dogs can take their animals to do their toilets without soiling the public highway.
- That the Council installs throughout the municipality a sufficient number of dispensing machines of bags or utensils, and collection bins, to enable those persons walking their dogs to collect, and correctly dispose of, the faeces of the dogs.
- That the Council initiates and promotes an information campaign which provides all the information to the citizens of the obligations that comes with the possession of a dog and it’s fouling within public areas of all types, and the legal consequences should they choose to continue to allow their dogs to foul the public areas.
Despite the reply being given, by the ruling PP party that this matter was already in hand and under consideration at that time, (this seems to be the PP’s stock answer when questioned on a failure of duty on their part) there has not been anything forthcoming up to this time. Our three Councillors have raised the matter in subsequent Plenos (council meetings) to continue putting pressure on them (PP) to honour their obligations to take action to ensure that the residents live in a clean and safe environment.
It would seem that the persistent pressure has had an effect. Los Verdes have been made aware that it is the intention of the PP government to present a Byelaw (Ordenanza Municipal) to the next monthly meeting of the full Council (Pleno), due on
The approval of the Byelaw is the first and most important stage in the campaign to ‘Clean up the Costa’ of this problem, and it is hoped to report good news after