At the end of March 2008 when the Clean up the Costa campaign was launched pictures of this tip were included in the press release.

Since that date nothing appears to have been done to remove this blot on the landscape. At the time of the meeting Clr Aniorte stated that no Bye-law existed on the statutes of the Orihuela Municipality to enable the Council to force the owners of private land to clear the rubbish dumped on their property, or for the Council to act to clear it instead, or to prosecute the offenders carrying out the Fly-tipping. Taking a benevolent attitude to the lack of action it must be presumably the reason that there has been no action to clear the site in 7 months.

Well now that has all changed! At a full session of the Town Council the new Bye-law regulating the control, collection and management of urban waste within the Orihuela Municipality was unanimously approved. The Council no longer has any reason not to deal effectively with the Fly-tipping problems within Orihuela Costa. It has the powers needed to ensure the removal and cleaning up of any Fly-tip sites irrespective of whether they are on public or private land. Within the Bye-law are the powers to prosecute and fine those responsible for the illegal act of Fly-tipping up to the sum of 3000€.
The Council has the Power, let's see if it has the Will, to eliminate this menace to the environment.
Is this the largest Fly-tipping site in Orihuela Costa? If you know of a site that is bigger let us know. If you have a Fly-tip site near you lets us know. Send us, by email to cleanupthecosta@gmail.com , the location details, and some photos, and we will prepare an up-to-date list to present to the PP Councillor for the Coast and ask that the Council deal with these sites without delay.
Click on the photos above for enlarged copies.
More photos are available to view HERE