Friday, May 16, 2008

Good News, The council have started the Clean-up

Following the meeting with Councillor Aniorte on the 17th April 2008 Residents in some areas have seen an improvement in the cleanliness of their area as a result of the Council’s reaction to the campaign.

The following extracts are from emails we have received from contributors to the campaign since the clean-up began.


"Dear Elliot. As you can see, the rubbish has now been cleared, ..........Many thanks."

"HI good morning You may be pleased to hear (and see) that some clearance work was started on the "rubbish tip" at the end of our cul de cac yesterday morning....Hope this is of some use to you. Good luck with the campaign."

"Action at last!!!!

Thanks to you all, as at last the large amount of rubbish in front of Bosque De Las Lomas 1 and 8 is (hopefully) being removed. A man and a digger has been moving it into large mounds, hopefully to be removed completely.

.........Thanks again - greatly appreciated."


Thought you would like to know, that the rubbish was cleared away yesterday, well at least it has been put into neat piles. I assume it may be taken away at some time.

One wonders how long it will take before people start to fly tip there again"

"Thank you for your update on the Fly-Tipping problem.
Whether your drive has had immediate effect, I do not know, but on Thursday and Friday the mound of debris behind Mercadona was mostly removed."

"I have attached some photos of the recently cleared land next to Bosque 8. As you said at the meeting, the topsoil has been totally destroyed, leaving nothing but sand. I can't say I'm impressed with the clean-up, as some larger items have been left behind. The people next to it are now complaining about the dust, which to be fair was horrendous the other day when it was quite windy. The area is now being used as a dog toilet, even by the people who live opposite! However, it does look better than it did before - but for how long??"

"This is to confirm that the plot of land on Calle Victoria has been cleared as previously notified to you. Also it has stayed that way which is great, all we need now is for the plant life to grow back."


It is good news that the Council have started to honour their duty of keeping the environment we live in clear of rubbish. It’s a pity though that it has been necessary to have this campaign to remind them of their responsibility to the inhabitants of Orihuela.

We must not be complacent as this is just the first part of the Campaign. There is still a lot more that needs to be done, both by the Council and the Residents, to ‘Clean up the Costa’.

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